Decorative Wave

Feeling the love for business asset refinance

Written by Richard Causon
25 January 2021
Business Meeting

Asset refinance isn’t a term to make many swoon. However, more and more businesses throughout the country are falling in love with the funding solutions that asset refinance can make possible:

The heart of the matter…

So what is asset refinance? Put simply, it’s a way of unlocking cash for your business, from its assets. So, if you need to raise capital for your company, you can utilise your business’s machinery, equipment or vehicles to finance that, whilst continuing to be able to use them.

There for the good times…

If you’re needing to raise funds to enable business growth, asset refinance is an option to consider.

For example:

  • Developing new markets
  • Business expansion and restructure
  • Upgrading machinery, equipment and vehicles

And the not so good times…

When your business needs an injection of working capital, asset refinance could be the solution.

For example:

  • Debt consolidation
  • HMRC arrears assistance
  • Reducing monthly payments

These are just a few examples, but whatever the reason is, if needing to raise funds is the problem, asset refinance could be the answer.

Three little words…

So why are so many more businesses loving asset refinance?

Simplicity, flexibility and speed are three key points.

  • The simplicity is that you’re unlocking cash from something you’ve already got.
  • The flexibility is the myriad of options asset refinance can offer, for a wide range of circumstances.
  • The speed is the quick turnaround time asset refinance can be arranged in.

Spreading the love…

Yes, an increasing number of businesses throughout the UK are realising and taking advantage of the benefits that asset refinance can offer. But many more aren’t being able to operate to their full potential, as they’re not aware of the solutions that alternative funding options can make possible.

At Causon Business Finance, we understand that every business is different, each with its own set of circumstances. The decisions we make aren’t based on whether or not we’ve been able to tick a series of boxes on a form, or whether your situation neatly fits into a category that suits us; it’s about finding the finance solution that’s best for the success of your business.

This is why, in partnership with your broker or financial adviser, we will take the time to get to know your business and the funding solution offer will be based on that knowledge and tailored accordingly.

Please contact your broker or adviser today to find out more about the ways we can help your business grow.